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St Paul Lutheran Church, LCMS
 @ Freeman, SD



615 E 7th Street 

Freeman, SD 57029




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06-16-2024    Third Sunday after Trinity

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Opening Hymn:  Page 737
Divine Service 3 w/Communion (LSB 184)
First Reading: 

Epistle Reading: 
Holy Gospel Reading:
Hymn of the Day:  Page 608
Sermon: Luke 15:1-10

Distribution Hymns: Pages 687, 683, 726
Closing Hymn:  Page 915

06-23-2024   Fourth Sunday after Trinity

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Opening Hymn:  Page 544
Prayer & Preaching Service (LSB 260)
First Reading: 
Epistle Reading:
Holy Gospel Reading:
Sermon: Luke 6:36-42
Hymn of the Day: Page 696

Closing Hymn:  Page 733

St Paul Lutheran Church 

8:30 a.m.:  Bible Study
9:30 a.m.:  Sunday Worship Service
After Service:  Fellowship Time

After Service:  Sunday School
(Sept - May)
Men's Bible Study: @ 6:00am
1st Th/mo Sept - June
Ladies Aid & LWML: @ 2:00pm
2nd Tues/mo
Lutheran Confessions Study @ 10am 

Communion offered every Sunday either in the Divine Service or after Prayer and Preaching services in a “shut in” short order of service. The Individual Cup – Joining the practice of the ancient Church for centuries, the pastor will offer to you the chalice first (if you can, please place your hand at the base of the chalice to assist the pastor). For those wanting an individual plastic cup, simply fold your hands when the chalice is being offered and an elder will bring the tray of individual cups to the rail.

Intimate Sacrament: This congregation, joining with the Church eternal, will be communing in the Lord’s Supper in the confession and glad confidence that, as he says, our Lord gives into our mouths not only bread and wine but his very body and blood to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with him and with one another. We practice closed communion (a familial statement of the faith confessed at this altar) therefore, we ask visitors to speak to the pastor before communing with us and invite any who are not instructed, confirmed, and current members of the Missouri Synod-Lutheran Church to come up to receive a blessing instead (indicated by having your arms folded across your chest). See Matthew 5:23f.; 10:32f.; 18:15-35; 26:26-29; 1 Cor. 11:17-34

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